
Updated 3 months ago
3425 results

    Vengeance Randomizer
    Gamebanana SMTVV Mod by MothmanTristan
    11/11/2024 (updated)
    This is a randomizer for the Steam version of Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance.

    This randomizer randomizes the following things:

    - Demons

    - Encounter ...

    (WIP) Just A Recolor
    Gamebanana P5R-PC Mod by 009_
    11/11/2024 (updated)
    Welcome to The World of Persona Five Royal

    I'm relatively new to P5R modding, so I thought I'd take on a relatively simple task of recoloring some te ...

    Persona 5: Royal Heist (A Rebalance Mod)
    Gamebanana P5R-PC Mod by KichiMitsurugi
    11/11/2024 (updated)
    As the title would suggest, this is a rebalance mod for Persona 5 Royal, to make the game, especially bosses, more challenging, by changing their skil ...

    Beta Shibuya Posters
    Gamebanana P5R-PC Mod by 1GREG7
    a mod that replaces the posters of Rise Kujikawa and Kanami Mashita from the Persona 5 Beta.

    There is a chance that this mod will crash your ...

    Madarame's Epic Troll
    Gamebanana P5R-PC Mod by 1GREG7
    replaces the fake Sayuri in Madarame's palace. best used by installing the mod and forgetting about it lol

    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⠟⠀⢀⠠⣐⢭ ...

    [Commission] P3D Models
    Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by MadMax1960
    11/11/2024 (updated)
    This puts Persona 3 Dancing models over the default outfits of most characters. The commissioner didn't want Makoto or Ken so neither are included in ...

    Kasumi over Joker Voice Patch
    Gamebanana P5R-PC Mod by HappyGrinch08
    11/11/2024 (updated)
    IMPORTANT: For this to work with Wisteria's Kasumi as Protagonist mod, you MUST delete the FEmulator folder in that mod's directory. Otherwise the con ...

    Double EXP + Custom EXP Modifiers
    Gamebanana SMTVV Mod by MothmanTristan
    This is a simple mod that doubles all EXP received from quests and enemy demons. It does not affect EXP sources that directly give levels such as grim ...

    Playable Ishtar
    Gamebanana P3FES Mod by Benched_pitfall
    Hello everyone! this is my first mod, and i would like to say thanks to Phoenix for inspiring me to make it!

    I hated that I couldn't have Ishtar as a ...

    SMTVV Editor
    Gamebanana SMTVV Tool by gh0stslayr
    11/10/2024 (updated)

    This editor can edit the demon, skill, item, miracle, and shop files.

    Encounter editor is temporarily disabled.

    Always create a bac ...

    Optional Boss BGM Pack
    Gamebanana P4G64 Mod by JokersWild209
    11/09/2024 (updated)
    This is a BGM pack which gives a unique track to each optional boss, the shadows that are encountered in the final part of the dungeons after you defe ...

    Demons expansion pack
    Gamebanana SMTVV Mod by CC Sims
    11/09/2024 (updated)
    A daily update mod that adds new races, demons and skills to the UNUSED slot.
    Because this mod has been over 200MB, I create a new page for it. I will ...

    Texture Fixes Pack+ 64
    Gamebanana P4G64 Mod by Pixelguin
    11/09/2024 (updated)
    Texture Fixes Pack+ is a large collection of texture and UI improvement mods.
    Details have been sharpened and inconsistencies have been c ...

    Tiny Fixes 64
    Gamebanana P4G64 Mod by Pixelguin
    11/09/2024 (updated)
    This mod patches the P4G.exe executable to fix several small issues with the game.
    It's intended to be the successor to lipsum's Tiny Fixes for P4G32. ...

    Le Sserafim Music Pack
    Gamebanana P4G64 Mod by gemermoi
    Hong Eunchae will finally rap in Persona 4 Golden???
    This mod changes just about every single song in the soundtrack to a song or remix by Le Sserafim ...