
Updated 3 months ago
167 results
  • Game: P3P-PC x

[Commission] P3D Models
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by MadMax1960
11/11/2024 (updated)
This puts Persona 3 Dancing models over the default outfits of most characters. The commissioner didn't want Makoto or Ken so neither are included in ...

P3P Kingdom Hearts Battle themes music pack
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by raycooper
A mod that adds 37 Kingdom Hearts battle music tracks from across the franchise to Persona 3 Portable!

This mod uses Battle Themes, so it is compatib ...

Kotone UI Overhaul
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by Ghost2225195
10/27/2024 (updated)
This mod aims to replace all remaining blue assets found during the FEMC route with Pink ones, to better match her color scheme. This mod achieves thi ...

Choose Party Skills
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by Ghost2225195
10/21/2024 (updated)
This mod patches in support for choosing your party member skills upon level up. Previously you were locked into what the game set via it's TBL entrie ...

Persona Outfits
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by Ghost2225195
10/21/2024 (updated)
This mod adds outfits for characters based on their own Personas. Currently, this only features Messiah, Orpheus, and Thanatos for both m ...

Restored Junpei Rooftop Scene
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by Ghost2225195
10/19/2024 (updated)
Translates Junpei's unused dialogue and adds back in the functionality to play it to the NG+ exclusive end of game scene. Also fixes Akihiko saying "g ...

Instant Weapon Fusion
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by Ghost2225195
Enables weapon fusion results to be received instantly rather than waiting. Aigis will suffer no longer....

Always Cutin
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by Ghost2225195
Always activate a critical cutin upon landing a crit or hitting a weakness. Pretty self-explanatory.

Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by Ghost2225195
This is "Dexxtrip's Collection of Wacky Models That Don't Warrant Their Own Page or Thumbnail"

Here I'll be posting costumes that I am interested in ...

Nahobino Costume for MC
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by Ghost2225195
10/07/2024 (updated)
Adds in a Nahobino inspired costume for the main character. 99% of the work was done by Ercar, I just fixed it up and got it to work in game, so most ...

Source Sound Effects
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by ChaoMeister
10/04/2024 (updated)
This mod adds many sound effects from the original sfx libraries in 44100hz stereo.
Also a few bouns sounds from Persona 3 FES and Golden.

This mod i ...

Expanded FEMC OST
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by BrawlerAce
The FEMC route in P3P has some new music for FEMC, but the music is largely the same as the male protagonist. This includes some songs that f ...

Kotone Cutscenes Project (Steam Version)
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by Neptune13
09/17/2024 (updated)
For mod support and discussion, join the Kotone Cutscenes Project Discord!

What is this?
The Kotone Cutscenes Project implements reanimated versions ...

P3R Animated Cutins
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by Ghost2225195
09/15/2024 (updated)

This mod adds the animated cutins from Persona 3 Reload to Persona 3 Portable.

Here's an animated preview of one of the cutins.

NOTE: ...

FEMC can hug Yukari
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by hienaaa
Allows the female character to have the option to hug Yukari at Yakushima Beach

For this request