
Updated 8 months ago
8 results
  • Author: ReLyf x

Random Weapon Pack Mod
P5 Mod by ReLyf
This mod replaces All of Joker weapon and gun, Also replaces Yusuke final sword

P5 Mod by ReLyf
This mod replaces The Twin Fight Challenge with not 1 but 2 Akechi. Known issue: Not compatible with PS3 (still dont know why)

Bunny Shiho over Ann Catherine Outfit
P5 Mod by ReLyf
Known bugs: Normal Ann Face will bugs out outside of battle because Atlus only use 1 Field animation for all outfit instead of each animation for each outfit (if you want this to be normal again just delete the folder named "field" inside the mod folder, But this will break bunny shiho face outside battle, so choose your poison)

P3, P4, P5 Protagonists as Personas
P5 Mod by ReLyf
Izanagi - Yu Narukami
Orpheus - Minato Arisato
Izanagi Picaro - Akira Kurusu

T-Posing Haru Replaces Morgana Van
P5 Mod by ReLyf
Ever wonder "why does atlus gave floof ball so little screentime?" "I wish haru have more screentime" Well now she does! With this mod she get all the screen time she maybe and probably deserves! This replaces carmona with haru T-POSING yes you read that right.

Red Joker
P5 Mod by ReLyf
Replaces the summer outfits with the title screen model

Alice but its Sae Niijima
P5 Mod by ReLyf
Replaces Alice with Shadow Sae

True Loki Mod
P5 Mod by ReLyf
Replaces Loki with Prince Akechi