
Updated 2 days ago
5 results
  • Game: P3P-PC x
  • Author: Moddaman x

Protagonist Music Swap
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by moddaman
03/16/2024 (updated)
Does exactly what the title says; this swaps most of the songs exclusive to each protagonist, allowing you to hear the music of the protagonist you di ...

Easier Item Quests
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by moddaman
Some of Elizabeth/Theodore's requests in this game require you to talk to a specific character (almost always one of your party members) on a specific ...

Colourful AOA Cut-Ins
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by moddaman
09/22/2023 (updated)
Makes the All-Out-Attacks more colourful. Colours have been based primarily off those used in my Colourful Cut-Ins mod, which itself refrenced colours ...

Colourful Cut-Ins
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by moddaman
09/22/2023 (updated)
Makes the critical attack cut-ins more colourful. Colours have been mostly based off of the Persona 3 FES mods Colorful Partypanel and Colorful Cut-in ...

Fix Slow Messages
Gamebanana P3P-PC Mod by moddaman
Quite a few system message windows in P3P will display the text incredibly slowly and even block inputs so you can't skip past them. Examples of this ...