
Updated 8 months ago
3 results
  • Game: P5R-PC x
  • Author: MegaCatYu x

Beta Joker AOA Cutin Restoration
Gamebanana P5R-PC Mod by MegaCatYu
Restores an unused AOA cutin of Joker that's different from his current cutin.

Cat Emojis: The Royal
Gamebanana P5R-PC Mod by MegaCatYu
edits the font file to have a cat emoji instead of a period, so that (almost) every sentence ends with a cat

Penny Arcade Costumes
Gamebanana P5R-PC Mod by MegaCatYu
Gives Joker and Akechi outfits like Gabe and Tycho of Penny Arcade.

Goes over the Phantom Thief outfits.

I'm not super skilled at editing 3D models ...