I'm not asking how to change what it says, I can open the bitmap, add the text Avoid with Photoshop, and change the sprite parameters to make the game show that instead, I know that, I'm asking how to create a new one that is not "Wk/Str/Drn/Rpl/Nul".
I guess there is, "something ", that handles the sprites in display asking the game, "hey, this Persona/Enemy is neutral/strong/weak/drains/repels this element?" And the the game shows the answer on screen depending on which Persona/Enemy you are seeing... but how? I tried checking the hex values of the SPR and SPRT files that contains them (umd0 > init_free > camp.bin) but I don't see anything more than 3 or 4 bytes that aren't null.
Ultimately, I want to know if there is a way to create a new "affinity", which changes corresponding to the Persona and by proxy, each enemy as well, something like, "Avoid:Almighty" for a Persona/Enemy, smt like this:

Sorry if something doesn't make sense, just ask me to clarify if needed!
NOTE: I'm doing this in the PSP version.