SPR files functions (P3P)
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 11:56 pm
Hi, I was messing around with some graphics in P3P and wondered, how the game handles the sprite functions? "Function" may not be the best term, what I mean is things like the RUSH dotted circle that spins when appears on screen for example, how and why it spins? The sprite data doesn't say anything different from all the other ones. Or most importantly since is what I want to do, the "Wk/Str/Drn/Rpl/Nul" for each element, isn't a way to create a new one like, idk, "Avoid" if it always Evades? Something like this:

I'm not asking how to change what it says, I can open the bitmap, add the text Avoid with Photoshop, and change the sprite parameters to make the game show that instead, I know that, I'm asking how to create a new one that is not "Wk/Str/Drn/Rpl/Nul".
I guess there is, "something ", that handles the sprites in display asking the game, "hey, this Persona/Enemy is neutral/strong/weak/drains/repels this element?" And the the game shows the answer on screen depending on which Persona/Enemy you are seeing... but how? I tried checking the hex values of the SPR and SPRT files that contains them (umd0 > init_free > camp.bin) but I don't see anything more than 3 or 4 bytes that aren't null.
Ultimately, I want to know if there is a way to create a new "affinity", which changes corresponding to the Persona and by proxy, each enemy as well, something like, "Avoid:Almighty" for a Persona/Enemy, smt like this:

Sorry if something doesn't make sense, just ask me to clarify if needed!
NOTE: I'm doing this in the PSP version.

I'm not asking how to change what it says, I can open the bitmap, add the text Avoid with Photoshop, and change the sprite parameters to make the game show that instead, I know that, I'm asking how to create a new one that is not "Wk/Str/Drn/Rpl/Nul".
I guess there is, "something ", that handles the sprites in display asking the game, "hey, this Persona/Enemy is neutral/strong/weak/drains/repels this element?" And the the game shows the answer on screen depending on which Persona/Enemy you are seeing... but how? I tried checking the hex values of the SPR and SPRT files that contains them (umd0 > init_free > camp.bin) but I don't see anything more than 3 or 4 bytes that aren't null.
Ultimately, I want to know if there is a way to create a new "affinity", which changes corresponding to the Persona and by proxy, each enemy as well, something like, "Avoid:Almighty" for a Persona/Enemy, smt like this:

Sorry if something doesn't make sense, just ask me to clarify if needed!
NOTE: I'm doing this in the PSP version.