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Persona 4 Golden PC - Yukiko as MC

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 2:44 pm
by Neptune0808
Is there a mod to swap model for the MC with Yukiko so you control Yukiko in the overworld?
Is that possible?
Thank you in advance

Re: Persona 4 Golden PC - Yukiko as MC

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:03 am
by Neptune0808
Is it possible?
If somebody could teach me or tell me the steps I could do it on my own.

Thanks in advance.
Wanted to play as yukiko as my MC since forever:)

Re: Persona 4 Golden PC - Yukiko as MC

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:48 am
by Neptune0808
Please help anyone. Guide through steps how I can use yukiko's models and animations on the mc soI control and play as her.
Make my long wish finally come true.
I saw on youtube a playable rise or chie mod, so hopefully this is not difficult or that it is similar to Persona 5 model swapping.
Thanks in advance :)

Re: Persona 4 Golden PC - Yukiko as MC

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:28 am
by ShrineFox
I'd be happy to write a guide on model/animation swapping next chance I get, not sure if it might be awhile since I have things going on for the next week but I'd be happy to use Yukiko as an example and release it. Probably just one outfit though, the rest would have to be done following the guide

Re: Persona 4 Golden PC - Yukiko as MC

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:29 am
by Neptune0808
That would be great. Many thanks😊😊

Re: Persona 4 Golden PC - Yukiko as MC

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:29 am
by Neptune0808
That would be great. Many thanks😊😊

Re: Persona 4 Golden PC - Yukiko as MC

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:30 am
by Neptune0808
accidently posted 2 times. Sorry.
Hooe the model swapping is not too complex. With persona 5 I did not have any trouble doing it myself by following the guide.:)

Re: Persona 4 Golden PC - Yukiko as MC

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 2:51 am
by Neptune0808
sorry for bother abd being impatient, just really excitet to put yukiko as protagonist. While I am waiting for your guide, could you just write here in short what I have to do? I extract which files and how? Then I have to fibd the model folder and swap the model and animation with the protagonists one, right? Which foldee is Yukiko and which is protagonists? Do I have to repack it then or is there a possibility that the game automatically loads the changed files?
Thanks in advance and I apologise for being impatient.
Really wanna learn how to model swap, then I can do it with every model or outfit, right? I could even put Ai as protagonist😊

Re: Persona 4 Golden PC - Yukiko as MC

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:12 am
by Neptune0808
can please someone tell me whhich .pac do i have to unpack to find the models and animations? I wanna do it manually. Please help. Just tell how i unpack and repack again and where the models and animation are so i csn replace yu with yukiko.
Thnx in advance

Re: Persona 4 Golden PC - Yukiko as MC

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 1:41 am
by Neptune0808
any news on the guide on hiw to swap character models and aninations?
Is there a list of file descriptions for p4g pc like there is for p5 on amicitia?
It really helped me a lot while moddind p5. Because I don't really understand how the system with chars and models work in p4. In p5 was was more easier to understand
Thanks in advance:)