This mod replaces the Persona sprites in Persona Q with the more modern Phantom X sprites. While not every Persona in Q1 has an equivalent P5X sprite, those without one have been replaced with classic SMT/Persona sprites to maintain consistency in style. I’ll continue updating this mod whenever new P5X designs are released.
· Uncensored/Censored versions ·
Some of the new P5X designs have censored alts, for a complete list read the wiki.
The default version of this mod includes the “uncensored” sprites. However, if you’d like to use the censored sprites, for novelty or any other reason, you can download the CENSORED version.
· List of Personas changed ·
You can see the list of the Personas changed here.
· Patch Installation ·
1. Download "P5X Sprites Patched" or "P5X Sprites Censored Patched" files.
2. Transfer the
folder and the corresponding code.bin
and exheader.bin
to your version Persona Q mod folder.By default, the directories are:
Emulator: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Citra\load\mods\0004000000123400\
Consola: SD:\luma\titles\0004000000123400
Emulator: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Citra\load\mods\0004000000149F00\
Console: SD:\luma\titles\0004000000149F00
3. If you already have the
and exheader.bin
for loading mods and are playing the US version, it is not necessary to change them.· Mod Compendium ·
Mod Compendium files include two mods
· P5X Sprites (just that, does NOT include the Classic Sprites, that is another mod).
· P5X Censored Sprites (just the censored sprites).
You probably already know how to do this: download the "(Mod Compendium)" files, extract them into
Mod Compendium/Mods/PersonaQ
(create the folder if it doesn't exist), open Mod Compendium, select Persona Q from the dropdown menu, turn the mods ON and "Build". The resulting mod.cpk
file goes in the aforementioned folder depending on your version. You'll need the code and exheader files to load mods, which you can find the downloads section. Remember, the topmost mod is the last one to compile, so left smaller mods at the top, and larger mods in the bottom.Further and more detailed instructions in the README file if needed.
Gamebanana post:


Well, the idea came to me since I knew about the P5X new sprites. I was doing the classic sprites mod, so why not follow it with this one. Was a pain, too many files (500 CTPK and 500 extracted images for the Classic Sprites, plus the 500 CTPK and images from Q2 (for the backport), around 200 CTPK and 200 images with this mod, besides the, idk, 30 plus CTPK and 30 images for the censored sprites, plus all different versions of the mod, quite literally, way more than 1000 images edited. Thanks Photoshop for the custom actions menu, but still. I will go to sleep