
Updated 8 months ago
3 results
  • Game: P3FES x
  • Tag: CVM x

Mod Compendium
P3FES Tool by TGE, ShrineFox, lipsum
6/28/2021 (updated)
Easily create, combine and install multiple mods for Persona 3, 4, 5, P3P, P4G, P5R, PQ, PQ2, Catherine Full Body and the Dancing games.

Loading Modded Files in Persona 3/4 (PS2)
P3FES Guide by ShrineFox
This guide describes the process of unpacking and repacking your ISO and CVM files using the Mod Compendium.

Persona 3 FES hostFS Patch
P3FES Mod by TGE
Replace/Add files to the CVMs without repacking.
1. Edit PCSX2_vm.ini inside the PCSX2 ini folder and change the line with 'HostFs=disabled' to 'HostFs=enabled'.
2. Extract the SLUS from the ISO and add the .ELF extension to it.
3. Place replacement files in a folder named after the CVM, which goes in the same directory as the .ELF.
4. Load the game's ISO in PCSX2 (with cheats enabled), and then select "Run ELF" from the "File" menu.