
Updated 8 months ago
5 results
  • Author: Oceanstuck x

P5D Crossdressing Outfits
Gamebanana P5R-PC Mod by oceanstuck
Replaces the boys' Starlight Outfits with their outfits from the P5D Crossdressing DLC. I know, I know, y'all been waiting for this.

Model Replacement in Q2
Gamebanana PQ2 Guide by oceanstuck
two people have asked me on two separate occasions how i replaced the models in Black Mask so i guess i'll consider that enough demand that this merit ...

Black Mask
Gamebanana PQ2 Mod by oceanstuck
Canon aside, there's no need to uphold the pretense of a righteous, sincere Detective Prince."

What is this?
Spoilers for Persona 5, including Royal ...

(WIP) Black Mask
Gamebanana PQ2 Mod by oceanstuck
03/14/2023 (updated)
What is this?

Spoilers for Persona 5, including Royal, though if you're playing Q2 without knowing them, what are you even doing?

"Canon aside, ther ...

Recolored Ann
Gamebanana PQ2 Mod by oceanstuck
(This might be a bit buggy but fuck it, it's probably my emulator.)

Recolors Ann's Panther outfit to a color palette similar to her concept art.

Not ...