Replay EarthBound your way!

This mod collects several quality of life enhancements, some made by myself,
some made by the PK Hack community.

It's open source, so anyone can use parts of it for their own mods,
or create their own derivatives.

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Built-In Features

These cannot be toggled in-game.
  • Hold Y in the overworld to walk faster or automatically advance texboxes
  • No periodic calls from your dad urging you to save and quit
  • Faster swim/climbing speed and transitions between rooms
  • Check/talk To by pressing A near NPCs and objects, like in MOTHER 3
  • Equip items from the Goods menu
  • Enemies can miss while crying
  • PSI is renamed to PK, like MOTHER 3

Optional Features

You can toggle these from the New Game/Load Save screen.
  • Key Items: Separate quest items from your inventory, just like MOTHER 3
  • Mod Menu: Custom menu for changing party members, health, stats, location, items, BGM, starting battles or events, saving etc.
  • No Photo Guy: Significantly shortened Photo Guy cutscenes, just Ness doing a peace sign and the shutter effect (takes ~2 seconds)
  • Chaos Mode: Random effects can happen while playing. Warps, battles, visual distortions, or shuffled party members.
  • Unrestricted Bike: Allows you to use the Bicycle item anywhere, even when you have party members following you (temporarily reverts party to Ness only)
  • Skip Lvlup Text: Don't get notified of new moves unlocked or level increases at the end of battle.
  • Easy Deaths: Fully revive and heal party after a game over, without taking half your money.
  • Fast Saving: Shortens the dialogue when calling your dad on the phone.
  • No Homesickness: Prevents Ness from becoming homesick.


What Bugs/Known Issues Are There?

Not everything is fully tested, so let me know if you discover more by opening a GitHub Issue.

  • When using the bike, Ness will be shown as the character riding it regardless of party leader.
  • The Attract Mode on the title screen does not play (this is because for some reason it hangs halfway through).
  • Configuring optional mod settings may sometimes freeze the game when the third option is selected in a busy area.
  • Chaos Mode has a mild potential to sometimes crash the game.
  • Sometimes it says the wrong character received or used a key item, or the item's name displays incorrectly.
  • When toggling off the Key Items mod, you may end up lacking the items required to advance. Use the Mod Menu to give yourself key items as needed.
  • Sometimes the spacing between "PK" and the name of an attack may be incorrect in battle.

Who Helped Make This Mod?

Special thanks to the PK Hack Discord Server for all their kind assistance. You guys PK Rock <3

  • Mr. Tenda: Created CoilSnake
  • Mr. Accident: Created the CCScript Compiler
  • JTolmar: Y Button run with momentum, fast movement in water, Repel Sandwich, changing text speed on the fly, custom save/load/newgame menu
  • phoenixbound: Name printing commands, helped design/debug custom menus with variable options and descriptions
  • Catador: Toggle-able noclip option for Mod Menu, change bootup music
  • phoenixbound, ShadowOne333, vince94, Chaz: Goods Equip Menu
  • jtolmar, phoenixbound, and Catador: Fast Doors
  • cooprocks123e: Ability to call battle backgrounds from anywhere, CCExpand for custom control codes, extended flags
  • ShadowOne333: From MaternalBound-Redux: Changed controls, crying also affects enemies, lower HP/PP windows one tile, PSI => PK, restore spank sfx
  • H.S.: asm65816 and ASMRef for assembly patch support via CCScript

How Can I work on the project?

Read the Project Wiki on GitHub for development information.

Does This Work With Other Mods?

Unfortunately not, this mod is based on vanilla EarthBound and cannot be easily combined with other patches.
If another mod is also open source and has a Coilsnake project, you would have to try merging the codebases.

Support Nintendo by playing EarthBound on Nintendo Switch Online.


v0.9.1 .IPS Patch (SNES) (Update #1)

Use an online ROM patcher to apply the patch to your EarthBound ROM.
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